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Contacts - La Noria Vacanze
Via Forio D'Ischia, 5/7, 91010 San Vito Lo Capo
(0039) 0923972444 / (0039) 3280550242 / info@lanoriavacanze.it


La Noria Vacanze

Via Forio d’Ischia, 5-7
91010, San Vito lo Capo


Phone. (0039)0923972444
Laura. (0039)3280550242
Rocco. (0039) 3286504110


Fax (0039)0923621347
Email info@lanoriavacanze.it

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    Where we are

    San Vito Lo Capo is a lively town overlooking a beautiful white sandy bay.

    The mild and breezy climate makes it possible to enjoy it at all times of the year.

    You can enjoy boat excursions, trekking in the reserves, trips to nearby historic sites, and you can’t help but enjoy the flavors of San Vito cuisine.

    in the background, the coastline of San Vito Lo Capo, rich in heights and karst walls, which configures our places as ideal destinations for climbing and many other sports in close contact with nature.

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